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About Dxivare®

Hundreds of years ago, nestled in the mountains of southern China, Monk fruit was discovered. This fruits mysterious and extraordinary plant that captivated people with its natural sweetness. Unlike other fruits that gets its sweetness from sucrose and fructose, Monk fruit gets its sweetness from antioxidant compounds called “Mogrosides” that are processed differently inside our bodies. While monk fruit has been used as a traditional sweetener in China for centuries, it gained international recognition and popularity more recently. In the early 2000s and with the modern technology allowed for the extraction of the monk fruit's sweet compounds the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status to monk fruit extract as a sweetener. This designation allowed its use in various food and beverage products. Monk fruit sugar is commonly used as a sugar substitute and natural alternative to artificial sweeteners in various food and beverage products, including beverages, baked goods, and condiments. At Dxivare® Our mission is to improve healthy living through empowering individuals to make nutritious food choices, promotes a balanced and sustainable approach to eating, and provides resources to support a healthy lifestyle..

Savor the Genuine Flavor

Monka Sweetener, where purity meets flavor in perfect harmony. Our commitment to quality shines through in every granule, as we bring you a sweetener crafted with only the purest ingredients, free from any artificial additives or flavors.

Happy Clients

I love this as I am on a low caeb and no-sugar diet. This is perfect when you have cravings for sweets and you can just add to your coffee or baked goodies and pancakes, no need for white or brown sugar. Great quality sweetener that doesn’t shoot up your glucose level.

Ann Smith

Ann Smith

I really love the taste of this product, the quality and ingredients are fantastic and I use this frequently when cooking. I substitute this in recipes that ask for sugar, if you're on a diet or just looking to cut back on sugar per serving this is a great product to use.

Saitama One

Saitama One


good for adding sweetness to bakes! been using it for some time. usually add in small qty thus not sure if it will have any minty taste after.

Sara Colinton

Sara Colinton


Good healthy sweetener in place of regular sugar. No chemicals, natural. Tastes and feels exactly like sugar, use it in beverages, cereals, custards, smoothies, almost everything, yet to try with baking…..

Sara Colinton

Sara Colinton

Ann Smith